
Patterns for Building Realtime Features

Realtime features in apps enhance collaboration by sharing user-triggered changes instantly. Key patterns include:

  1. Poke/Pull: Server notifies clients (poke) to fetch new data (pull). Easy integration but causes simultaneous requests (fan-out), which can be mitigated with caching.

  2. Push State: Server sends entire updated state immediately. Reduces fan-out but can overwhelm clients with data and doesn't scale well for large states.

  3. Push Ops: Server sends specific operations instead of full state, enabling clients to update efficiently. Requires initial state fetching.

  4. Event Sourcing: Server sends events instead of state, requiring client-side logic to apply changes. Promotes reusable business logic but adds complexity.

  5. Transports: Options include websockets, SSE, and polling. Challenges arise in horizontally scaled systems regarding server-client coordination, solvable via Pub/Sub infrastructures.


VitoDeploy: Open-source, free self-hosted server management tool. Features include server provisioning, database management (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), PHP app deployment, firewall control, SSL support, queue handling, service management, SSH key deployment, cron job management, headless console for SSH commands, and server monitoring. Offers project management and user invitation.

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